Menstrual Cycle Phases:
Basically Divided into Follicular Phase and Luteal Phase.
Three hormones involved: FSH, Estrogen (E2), LH, and Progesterone (PG).
Ovulation occurs around day 14.
“Regular” Menstrual Cycle:
First period before age 15.
Cycles lasting 21-45 days.
Bleeding lasts 2-7 days.
Irregular cycles can be common in the first 1-2 years.
“Irregular” Menstrual Cycle:
No period by age 15: Primary Amenorrhea
Very heavy, painful, or light periods. Periods that interrupt life.
Cycles shorter than 21 days or longer than 45 days.
Bleeding lasting less than 2 days or more than 7 days.
Menstrual Irregularities:
Primary Amenorrhea: No period by age 15.
Secondary Amenorrhea: Absence of 3+ cycles after regular periods.
Oligomenorrhea: Fewer than 9 cycles/year or cycles longer than 35 days.
Training and Menstrual Cycle:
No universal guidelines for adjusting training based on the menstrual phase.
Tracking cycles and symptoms can help with personalized adjustments.
Tracking helps with keeping track of your cycle over time
Take Aways:
Consult a physician if menstrual symptom affect daily life or training.
A regular cycle often reflective adequate fueling and good overall health.
Hormonal contraception of any kind (pill, patch, ring, implant, shot, IUS) masks menstrual abnormalities. If using any hormonal medication, the menstrual cycle cannot be used as a gauge of energy availability.
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